British Occupational Forces of Japan - Solomon Brothers Apparel

British Occupational Forces of Japan

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British Occupational Forces of Japan

Full size medal - Unmounted with 15cm ribbon as required for swing mounting.

Miniature  size medal - Unmounted with 10cm ribbon as required for swing mounting.


The British Commonwealth Occupational Forces (BCOF) was issued by the British Commonwealth Occupational Forces Association to any veteran who had served one day on the strenght of the unit with the Commonwealth Forces.

The British Commonwealth Occupational Forces Association hereby authorises the issue of the Occupation of Japan Medal to all ex-service personnel who have served with the Australian Component of the Occupational Forces or who served in Japan during the qualifying period with a Commonwealth unit closely associated with the Australian Component. Qualifying service will be the same as for the issue of the Korea and Vietnam Medals, (one day on the posted strenght of a unit
