Australian Federal Police Commissioners Group Citation For Conspicuous Conduct Medals

Australian Federal Police Commissioner's Group Citation for Conspicuous Conduct

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Australian Federal Police Commissioners Group Citation for Conspicuous Conduct


Awarded when the members involved have demonstrated a collective outstanding dedication to duty in circumstances demanding tenacity of a high order. Examples include: Members involved in South Australia's largest heroin bust in 2005, a $4.3 million fraud investigation and investigation of online child exploitation, and Members involved in a major AFP drug operations between 2002–2005.

Following the same criteria as the Commendation for Conspicuous Conduct, this award is presented to a collective team or group who were involved in a joint event. The team or group involved each receive a silver framed ribbon as illustrated. Each member also receives a written citation and embossed certificate, along with a miniature version of the award for wear on occasions where miniatures are required.

If in the event a member is awarded the commendation on a second/further occasion, a new citation with a silver numeral applicable to the issue occasion along with a relevant certificate is awarded, detailing the subsequent incident.

The award is worn above the nameplate on the right side and in order of precedence from left to right.